torsdag 31 juli 2008

The New Vans Era Tripplet In Red, Blue And Yellow.

New Vans Era at Cali Skate Dept. A couple of weeks ago we got the Half Cab in three different colors. This week it is tiome for the Era to get the same color treatment. Downstairs at Cali Skate Dept as always. All 599 Sek each!

onsdag 30 juli 2008

New SBs in store, including the brand new P-Rod Hi

Three new fresh SBs droped like a bomb in Cali Skate Dept today. For the first time ever we are proud to present the new SB model P-Rod 2 Zoom Air High. Bring your as down to the cellar at brunnsgatan 9 and buy this beautys!

Dunk Mid 999 Sek

Dunk Hi 999 Sek

P-Rod 2 Hi 1099 Sek

tisdag 29 juli 2008

Skate brand of the day!

This weeks skate brand is none less than the most famous skate hardware brand in the world! Shortys founded by Tony Buyalos in the early 90s has since then evolved from a straight hardware company to a skateboard empire. We at Cali Skate Dept has loaded up with boards, nuts and bushings from this true legend of the skateboard game. 

Shortys Nuts!
Shortys Bushings!

Shortys boards, 450 Sek gripped and ready to ride! Made in LA!

Do it like Chad Muska ride Shortys like in this pro video for Shortys!

måndag 28 juli 2008

New Luxery Vans Era in store!

Today this new Deluxe Vans Era arrived at Cali Skate Dept. The shoe consists of nice brown leather with a cord upper. Colors and materials that will last all of fall and winter. Get them downstairs att brunnsgatan 9 for only 599 SEK! 

fredag 25 juli 2008

Adidas Adidas!

Super trion från Adidas...
Gazelle skate!
Superstar Skate with twists!
Superstar Skat med en klassisk look

Stay Classy San Diego, and Stockholm!

Adidas svar på Nikes väska blev denna Street bpacken som har en lite enklare stil!

Nike SB Tees, Hoods n' Bag!

Fick in denna grymt cleana Nike SB väskan med många smarta fack!

Fresha kontraster med teen och hooden!!

Adidas update kommer senare!!

torsdag 24 juli 2008

Vans vans vans!

Fick in lite olika vans grejer idag. Half-cabsen är ju överdrivet fresh!

Kommer online om inte allt för länge.
Imorgon blir det Adidas update...stay tuned!